Sounding – The Joys of Urethra Play

Sounding – The Joys of Urethra Play

Oh, the delights of sounding.

The intense feelings of … well, that’s a bit difficult to explain, but I’ll try.

Sounding or Urethra play is the act of inserting an object into the urethra for sexual stimulation.

Clients speak often of the feeling of being fucked in ‘all’ holes. It seems the psychological desire of penetration till sits strong in male sexuality- although I should mention there’s no reason female anatomy owners couldn’t or shouldn’t enjoy sounding. Just be aware that the urethra is a ‘lot‘ shorter than penis owners. In females, the urethra is roughly 3.8cm in length. In males, it is much longer at about 17–18cm, and it also helps transport semen.

I will also say that the temptation to use the ‘smallest’ rod can actually mean a higher risk of injury as a smaller rod will have a sharper point to it. Again I suggest clients have experience or done their homework.

In the picture below you can see the basic anatomy of the male urethra or piss hole.

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