Comfort is within one’s Chastity cage


To some, the ultimate gift of appreciation of one's Mistress is to surrender their pleasure.
Welcome to the Chasity Cage

Welcome to Ownership

Who’s a good boy then ?!?!

You ?!

…. Now are you?

To some, the ultimate gift of appreciation of one’s Mistress is to surrender their pleasure. To offer their own pleasure to another in a committed act of submission. This act can and does have other effects. The act of securing the genitals can bring around an awareness of other forms of sexuality, and its expression of it. Like how the removal of one sense heights the remaining senses, so too can the act of chastity.

Ownership is another aspect that comes into play when bound in chastity. The slave’s literally ‘giving’ of their most pleasure-sensitive body part ( besides the brain ) can and does bring other sensations and pleasure centres to the forefront. And due to the slow nature of chastity, comes a chance to explore others and feel other sensations like Compersion.

Those who seek to further the pleasures of tease and denial especially love the act of being ‘Locked & Owned’.

And me ? …. I am happy to own you.

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