Currently on Holidays - Sept 4th till 12th !

I'm delighted that you've chosen me to support you in your sexual escapades / journey, yet I'm away at the moment.

I can contact you on my return ?

Sex Workers and Disability

In this blog I shall be talking about an area which never really crosses the minds of about 90% of the population- and it’s getting sex services for people with disability.

Think about it for a second. Many people with severe disability may need the help of a carer as they’re unable to contact a worker themselves. How often do you tell your friends or family that you want/need to see a worker? I bet never, right?!
For many people this isn’t an option, and yet they can feel the stigma of being a human being and desiring the intimacy or just the physicality of another human being’s touch

I mean just because you’re disabled doesn’t mean you don’t want to fuck right? Any male with a healthy testosterone / libido has needs, and yet can feel trapped by the judgement of others for wanting what soo many of us take for granted- like lying the the arms of a person you really treasure.

Enjoy this video guys

 x ♥ x ♥ x

Scarlett B Wilde

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