Currently on Holidays - Sept 4th till 12th !

I'm delighted that you've chosen me to support you in your sexual escapades / journey, yet I'm away at the moment.

I can contact you on my return ?

April 2023

Three images of Scarlett wearing different costumes. A police officer. A Nun and a cheerleader.

Mistress B Wilde – Role Play with Clients

In our day to day lives it’s commonly known, and even accepted that we wear psychological masks depending on the situation we’re in or who we’re with.This isn’t because we’re inheritingly liars- in fact it’s an honest representation of ourselves- but it’s like a filter. Certain parts of our personae are left out- usual due

Mistress B Wilde – Role Play with Clients Read More »

Payment Options

Due to financial discrimination against sex workers I’m unable to obtain credit card facilities.This leaves either cash or fund transfers as the only way. A privacy assured way to transfer funds is through a system built by the four big Australian banks called It’s an instantaneous system built on EFTPOS, that has less failure

Payment Options Read More »

Video Still from second video about Establishing limits & negotiations in kink activities

Mistress B Wilde: Blog – BDSM # 2 – Establish Limits / Negotiation

This is the second video of 6 series in BDSM – Episode Establish Limits.  As communication is flowing it’s important that- now we understand each other’s desires- we can build a scene together which minimises risk. This is establishing limits through a process called ‘ Negotiation’. Enjoy this video folks  x ♥ x ♥  Mistress B

Mistress B Wilde: Blog – BDSM # 2 – Establish Limits / Negotiation Read More »

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